Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, but many fail to achieve it. Why is one man sad and another happy? Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another man full of faith and confidence? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular while another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one man a great success and another a total failure?
Is there an answer to these questions? There most certainly is!
The answer to the above question lies in the basic foundational and fundamental laws of life and mind. When properly understood and applied, the mind has a miracle working power that will lift us from confusion, misery and failures and guide us to our true destiny solve our problems and difficulties and free us from our emotional and physical bondage.
The Fourth Dimension® is a state of mind. According to Neuro Scientists it’s a range of brain frequency between 14 Hz to 5 Hz, which occurs normally during sleep when a person is dreaming. Numerous studies conducted in the West have proved that highly successful people somehow function at a lower brain frequency in times of decision making, crisis and turmoil or when they are thinking creative, and this is normal conscious awake state, while the majority of the people cannot function at this level while awake. This state of mind has the power of manifestation &materialization Solve business problems, improve your relationships, get better grades in exams, get the right job, pass any interview, heal yourself and others of diseases and make your life richer and meaningful.
It’s a path to Self-Actualization and Realization
The Fourth Dimension-Mind power workshop was conceived and developed in 1994 by Prof. MoizHussain. Prior to this, the same program was developed as a 6 monthstraining workshop called”Meditation Eternia”.
4D is not a philosophy but a practice. It allows its practitioner to access the hidden areas of one’s mind, and use the latent powers to achieve health, wealth and happiness. Over 110,000 people from all walks of life, all ages and nearly all professions in 7 countries have benefitted from this program.
Prof. Moiz Hussain takes you into the hidden world of your mind and helps you to explore the Genius in you. The Fourth Dimension is a practical workshop designed to help you function with awareness at lower brain frequency as Geniuses do. Conducted by Prof. Dr. Moiz Hussain The Fourth Dimension is a life changing opportunity conducted in many countries of the world.
The Mind is a Powerful Force. It can Enslave us or Empower us. It can Plunge us into the dept of Misery or take us to the Heights of Ecstasy. Learn to use the power Wisely.
The Fourth Dimension® is One of The Most Powerful and Result Oriented Workshop that can Change Your Life from a Level of Ordinary to Outstanding! This is the Level Geniuses, Top Achievers, and Most Successful People in the World operate. The Illustration Shows the Level of growth you can Achieve through this Program.

What you Gain from The Fourth Dimension Awakening
- Achieve profound state of deep Relaxation and Mediation.
- Significantly reduce Stress and Anxiety.
- Experience higher levels of Consciousness.
- Dramatically Increase your Self-Awareness.
- Develop your Intuition, Insight and Perception.
- Take your Creativity, Inspiration and Motivation to new levels.
- Reach Deep into your Subconscious Mind for Life Solutions.
- Improved Memory & Power of Concentration.
- Techniques for building a successful business.
- Higher grades in studies.
- Higher sales & increased productivity
- Key to Managing people & Relationships
- Time Management
- Power of Decision
- Empowerment, Motivation & Goal Achievement
- Problem Solving Techniques
- Telepathy-Psycho Kinesis- Telekines
When you hear the words TRANSFORMATION what is that first thing that comes in your mind?
There is an anonymous difference between the definition of something and distinguish something. Definition means concept for example love what is the definition of love?? Whatever you say right! Would it make any difference in your life? NO!!! So it means that the definition doesn’t impact you or make any difference in your life but once you distinguish love in your life it will make the difference you are operating in spite of the condition of being loved.
So there is a whole lot of difference between the definition and concept of something and distinguishing and relating is something as itself only when you will be related to transformation as itself is where the difference will take place.
There will be a moment in the fourth dimension workshop in which you will not understand, distinguish transformation that everything that we will have talked about we will come together and make an extra ordinary difference in your life. There will be a specific time when you will be transforming and you will be transforming your lives in the Fourth Dimension level 2 program. Level 1 and 2 of The Fourth Dimension are basic foundations and without a foundation once cannot build something.
So in the fourth dimension level you went through a process of AWAKENING and once now you know “Who am I?”, the challenge is now what to be? What to become? That’s transformation.
In the fourth dimension level 2 you will go through the process of transformation that a time will come that you will be able to change your life, influence coming events, control and re-write your future simply by transforming yourself, creating new possibilities and becoming a possibility yourself.
Benefits of The Fourth Dimension level 2
- Removing hurdles in your professional and personal life
- Decision Making
- Risk-Taking
- Managing change and conflict
- Management of psychosomatic illness
- Pain Management
- Time Management
- Understanding oneself- the three domains of Emotional Intelligence
- Areas of Strength and Weakness
- How to cope in times of stress
- Using stress as a power and tool
- Improve interpersonal relationship
- Effective Management of Time
- Positive outcome, Goal Setting and Goal Achievement
- Learning tolerance and giving margins to others
- Developing Empathy
- Out of Box Thinking
- Self-Assessment Exercise – Know Yourself
- Rewrite your future in your book of life – Advance Library Technique
- Chakra Balancing through colors
- Learning Chromotherapy
- Aura Sensing
- Reprogramming energy in your DNA passed on by the generations of parents
- Removing blind spots from the past generation of parents.
- Technique for Enhancing Empowerment
- Exercise for ESP Development
- Shifting of emotions and memories- Reducing Sensitivity
- Bifurcations of awareness
- Living Consciously – Mindfulness Technique
- Bridge Technique
- Mind-body Technique
“The Fourth Dimension Series”
*4D1 (Awakening) is the level 1*
The session will be of 2 days
19th & 20th Feb 2022
@7:00 pm PKT onwards
Charges are 16500 PKR
*4D2 (Transformation) is the level 2*
The session will be of 4 days
26th , 27th Feb & 5th, 6th March 2022
@7:00 pm PKT onwards
Charges are 35,000 PKR
*Package discount”
Regular Charges of 4d1 & 4d2 = 51500 PKR
*Save 6500 PKR*
Discounted package charges = 45000 PKR
Please Note:
- Digital copies of the Certificate will be sent to your registered Email.
- A hard copy of the certificates is with us, If you wish we can deliver it anywhere in Pakistan Free of charge.
- A hard copy of the certificate will be delivered outside Pakistan upon request, and will have additional delivery charges.
- Delivery Time can be delayed due to COVID19.
- The Fourth Dimension 1 Awakening is a Prerequisite in order to be eligible for the Transformation level 2 of The Fourth Dimension Series.